December 11, 2011

Book Haul #2

A book haul feature that shares items, such as books and swag, that I received within the week. 

This week's book haul was a good one:

Books I bought:
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
  - Yes, I bought two copies. One pre-ordered from B&N (left) and one I bought one day after the release from Walmart (right). I couldn't help myself. I needed both for the bonus content.

Books I received:
Dark Eden by Patrick Carman (ARC)
A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young (ARC)
   - I received both ARCs from Susan @ Wastepaper Prose. Many thanks goes to her.
Too Far by Rich Shapero (Not Pictured)
  - This was a book given to me from my school for free. It was being passed around and I happened to be passing by when they gave this to me. My copy comes with a CD, possibly a soundtrack to go along with the book? To be honest, I have no idea what this book is about. If you've heard about this book, let me know. I saw some reviews, but not good ones :(

Books I won:
Firelight by Sophie Jordan (Paperback)
 - I won this from Sash and Em during their 1000 Follower Giveaway. Thanks so much to them <3

Ebooks I won (Not Pictured):
1. Bound by C.K Bryant
   - I'm currently reading this too. I'm loving it so far!
Thanks to C.K Bryant for sending me an ebook copy of her book. I won this during the Winter YA Scavenger Hunt
2. Running Wide Open by Lisa Nowak
3. Getting Sideways by Lisa Nowak  (Releases December 11, 2011)
4. Scattered Pieces by Alice Lynn
I won all three ebooks from Lisa Nowak during the Winter YA Scavenger Hunt as well. Thanks so much!

Now it's your turn: What's in your book haul?


  1. YAY for Clockwork Prince! I got it too! I already have Firelight but haven't read it! New follower.

    Visit My IMM

  2. Great books! Nothing wrong with buying the same book twice if you want to - it's just when you do it unintentionally that it's slightly embarrassing!

  3. Yay we both got Clockwork Prince! I really enjoyed Dark Eden too super creepy!

    Xpresso Reads

  4. LOOOOL, Jess!! Your two copies of Clockwork Prince made me smile! x) I have two copies too -- one ARC and one special-edition one from Chapters, which is the equivalent to the one from B&N! YAY!! Have you read the bonus content yet? Will is SO SWEET! <3

    You have so many awesome books in your mailbox this week, Jess! I really hope you love every single one!! :)

  5. Haha, yay for the double dose of Clockwork Prince. I've bought multiple copies of books I love too. :P

    I hope you enjoy all your reads and that the rest of your finals go well! :)

  6. Everyone's getting Clockwork Prince! :D I have yet to read Clockwork Angel. Too many books to get to! lol
    Great books! :)

  7. YAY Clockwork Prince! It's awesome that basically everyone got the book this week, lol. And I've heard really good things about Firelight, as well, so I hope you enjoy that and everything else you got! I'll have to check out some of those titles because purely judging from the covers, they look pretty interesting! :)


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