December 11, 2012

Finals Week Hiatus

It's that time of the semester where Finals Week is raging and overtaking my life. I may have read my notes like a billion times last week and now that FW is here, I'm reading them another billion times for good measure. Really, it's insanity I tell ya.

Because my edumacation (lols) is my main priority at the moment, I must take a blogging hiatus! BUT just for this week. I need to focus on studying like the mad woman I should be and get A's! Right? *wishful thinking*

This basically sums it all, yes? Study=Evil.

Who wants to study anyway? *sigh*

So please please forgive my absence. Of course, I'll be on twitter because really, who can stay away from twitter even for a day? I sure as hell cannot. 

I will be back with the usual posts probably by the weekend. I'll have some serious catching up to do, reading wise. I best to get off before I end up like this...

Farewell dear friends! Don't be like me and procrastinate to the very last minute because it will bite you in the ass later. Why I do it anyway is beyond me! Wish me all the luck because I certainly will be needing it. 


For those of us taking finals...

Damn Straight. I need that curve!!


  1. Good luck on those finals Jessirae! Show 'em who's boss and ace them suckers!! :D

  2. Good luck girl!!!

    I'm actually on my way to register for next semester... it feels like it never ends.. *sigh*

    Magen Corrie
    ~Corrie the Book Crazed Girl

  3. Best of luck on your finals Jessirae! I have my last one tomorrow and I'm so excited to be done. I know I'm really counting on the curve for a couple!


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